地西快线,主打西班牙和法国,到西班牙的航程是市场最快,到法国的航程也很快。海洋联盟航线,由达飞/东方海外共同投船,船舶平均装载量13300Teu。Dedicated service for Mediterranean west ports especially for Spain and France. Transit time to Spain is the fastest in the market. Transit time to France is also fast. Ocean alliance service, CMA/OOCL vessels, average capacity at 13300 TEU.
CMA>>MEX 容易船期 EZOcean 4 years ago...
到西班牙和黎巴嫩的专属快线;在西班牙先靠巴塞罗那,再靠瓦伦西亚的新路径加快了航程;直靠南沙和盐田,华南地区全面覆盖直;东南亚货物通过Port Kelang中转;加强港口覆盖范围,通过地中海枢纽马耳他中转为北非和意大利市场提供量身定制的支线服务;优势的西班牙内陆网络包括专属火车,驳船及内陆堆场。Fully dedicated service to Lebanon and Spain with fast transit times; New rotation in Spain, calling Barcelona first and then Valencia improving our transit times; South China full coverage with new direct calls in Nansha and Yantian; Dedicated feeder network from all South East Asia ports connecting Port Kelang; Enhanced port coverage to serve all North Africa and Italian markets tailor-made feedering services via Malta Med hub; Strong intermodal network in Spain with dedicated trains, barges and inland depots options.
CMA>>MEX 船公司网站 From Carrier Website 4 years ago...
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